Embedded platform distributions – Prix fixe meals
If the organization has already committed to a prepackaged embedded platform distribution – a commercial or community-based Linux tool kit, an Android SDK, or equivalent – then engineers already have a library of applications, middleware, and utilities at their fingertips. Embedded distributions typically comprise 250 to 500 packages, with each package containing one or more unique, ready-to-use pieces of project code. Unlike downloading code directly from project sites, embedded distributions and SDKs usually include prebuilt versions of project code, tested and vetted for integration compatibility across packages. In many cases, these versions might not be the latest and greatest, and developers might need to turn to the original project sites to access the more current features and bug fixes. However, switching to newer versions of projects, while attractive, can break compatibility with other code in your stack, and also fall outside Service-Level Agreements (SLAs) from commercial suppliers.
Evaluating options, refining the OSS palate
Finding potentially useful code represents only half the challenge. Developers must also vet discovered code across a variety of parameters to determine if it is technically and legally viable. Factors to consider include code size, language, and quality; community history and dynamics; software licensing; and provenance.
refer to: http://embedded-computing.com/articles/eating-open-source-buffet/#at_pco=cfd-1.0